Sunday 23 November 2014

Long profile of a river - overview

The long profile of a river describes the shape of the land from source to mouth.

How do you think the shape of the land changes along the long profile?

What questions can we ask? 

Shape of valley?
Channel Size?
Speed of water?
Erosion or deposition?

 Upper Course: Near the source of the river
Upland valleys (narrow, V shape), steep gradient, small channel, fast flow, head-ward erosion, deposition (boulders, cobbles, pebbles)

features: waterfalls, rapids, potholes, many tributaries 

Middle Course:   In the middle of the river
medium gradient, medium channel size, medium flow, lateral erosion, deposition (pebbles, gravel, sand)
  Lower Course:   Near the mouth of the river 
Lowland  valleys (wide), gentle gradient, wide channel, slow flow, little erosion, deposition (sand, silt, clay)

features: floodplain, ox-bow lake, delta

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